Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day 97- Haiku

This inspired me
for today's letter. Go on,
count the syllables.

A Haiku Letter:

Dear President Obama,
It's a slow news day.

Coup in Kyrgyzstan.
Diplomats smoking on planes.
Flooding in Brazil.

Threats on the Speaker,
economy still struggling,
internal unrest.

Never a slow day,
in the situation room,
it's always morning.

Glenn Beck's Tea Party,
Limbaugh's expatriation,
McCain's heels dug in.

How do you manage?
When do you get time to breathe?
Keep your famous cool?

Between enemies;
both foreign and domestic,
constant apathy,

innate corruption,
systematic inertia,
year-round campaigning;

you must get tired.
Even as we elected
Hope, not energy.

Me, so far removed,
just worrying my way from
paycheck to paycheck,

can't begin to say
what, exactly, is best for
me, or our country.

I write you each day,
to question and to complain
express hope, or faith.

I'm not sure that I
ever say what I try to;
that I still have hope

hope that we can change
hope in more than the campaign,
in our government.

for all the danger,
of our troubled world today
I rest easily.

knowing that you will
answer the 3 a.m. calls
while I am sleeping.

For you, there is no
such thing as a slow news day.

Respectfully yours,


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